Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A little more about my N.C. trip

I fell the morning we were coming home from North Carolina. I was walking along the edge of the sound and fell when reaching for my flip-flop in the water. Never mind me, is the camera okay? I had it on a tripod and threw the arm holding it away from the ground to shield it from the impending hit. My camera was in one piece and still working. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF! Mom was worried about me since I hit my head. (It was obvious due to the scratch I had across my face and ear.) I called the 24/7 Nurse Line at my health insurance company. They said as long as I wasn't dizzy or a couple of other symptoms, I should be okay to travel. Mom did drive my car for the trip home since I was really sore. She told me I had to take a picture of my face to post on facebook.

Steven and I both went to my doctor the next day, him for gout and me for my injuries. I had to get a tetanus shot. I am still sore and my bruises are finally fading. But at least my camera works, right? The cost of my doctor visit and accompanying medicine was still alot cheaper than replacing my camera. I used said camera to take the above picture of my face. Then basically accused my mom on facebook of making me hurt myself somehow for taking her picutre. Her picture was the last one I took before I fell. See?

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